Thursday, November 28, 2019

Twitch Muscle Fibers Essay Example

Twitch Muscle Fibers Paper muscle contraction Introduction For a skeletal muscle fiber to contract, a stimulus must be applied to it. The stimulus is delivered by a nerve cell, or neuron. A neuron has a threadlike process called and axon that my run 91 cm or more to a muscle. A bundle of such fibers from man different neurons composes a nerve. A neuron that stimulates muscle tissue is called a motor neuron. The motor neuron branches into terminal structures called telodendria that come into close approximation with a portion of the sarcolemma o a muscle fiber (muscle cell). The site where the neuron and muscle fiber meet is called a neuromuscular junction. At this junction the muscle fiber membrane is specialized to form a motor end plate. The sensitivity of a muscle fiber to electrical stimulation through the skin surface is largely a function of the proximity of a neuromuscular junction, the thickness of the skin, and variations in skin conductivity. An electrical stimulus that causes a muscle twitch at one spot may have no effect on muscle fibers that are only a centimeter away. Specific spots on the skin where minimal electrical stimuli cause muscle twitching are called motor points. The purpose of this exercise is to identify specific spots on the skin where these motor points are located. We will write a custom essay sample on Twitch Muscle Fibers specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Twitch Muscle Fibers specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Twitch Muscle Fibers specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer If the electrical stimulus is close enough to pain receptors (naked nerve endings) in the skin, one may experience a slight pricking sensation as the stimulus is applied. Since the skin has many of these pain receptors, this sensation is often experienced; however, a muscle twitch may or may not be produced simultaneously with the pricking sensation. Our intent will be to concentrate on the identification of motor points. Muscles are made up of functional units called motor units. Each motor unit consists of a neuron which supplies one or more muscle fibers. When a motor unit is stimulated, its muscular component will contract with all of the orce they (it) can generate, or they (it) are not contracting at all / in a given muscle there are many motor units, these units vary in their level of irritability. Tat is some will respond to a weak stimulus, while others may require a much stronger stimulus. Often the smaller units are less irritable than the larger units, therefore we often have better control when the task requires only slight strength, and we have much poorer control when greater strength is needed. The overall strength of a contraction of a muscle is the summation of the pull of the motor units operating at any one time. There are two types of summation, spatial and temporal. An increase in the strength of the overall muscle contraction due to spatial summation is brought about by increasing the strength of a stimulus which increases the number of motor units that are operating. Remember that the muscle fibers that are contracting are doing so with all of their strength. Temporal summation is brought about by increasing the rate of stimulus so that the same muscle fibers are contracting again before they have had a chance to completely relax. Each individual fiber can contract more powerfully when the stimuli arrive close together in this fashion, then it can contract in a single twitch. This may at first seem to violate the all or nothing principle. The explanation for temporal summation involves the elastic properties of muscles. Tension developed is translated through many structures. It is transmitted from the cross bridges through thick and thin filaments, across Z lines, extracellular connective tissue, muscle and bone. Each of these components has a certain amount of elasticity. Only when all of these elastic structures are taut can increasing contraction by the muscle occur. When a second stimulus occurs very close to the first the elastic structures are not yet slack and the result is the contraction is stronger than any simple muscle twitch. Temporal summation will not be studied at this time. Human muscle can be directly stimulated through the skin using a relatively strong stimulus. When stimulating skeletal muscles in this way, certain sensitive spots can be located that elicit a much greater response. These spots are called motor points. Motor points are usually located directly over the area where the nerve supplying the muscle being stimulated enters the muscles, often the belly of the muscle. IN the first part of this exercise, we will study the motor points of the hand using the isolated square wave stimulator. In the second part of this exercise we will use the Physiogrip system to study the details of a single muscle twitch which can be separated into three phases; the latent period, the period of contracting, and the period of relaxation. Refer to Chapter 10 for details of muscle physiology. We will establish the minimal or threshold stimulus required to cause your flexor pollicis brevis or flexor digitorum muscle to contract, and see the consequences of increasing the stimulus strength which increases the force of contraction due solely to spatial summation. The flexor pollicis brevis is located at the base of the thumb, if flexes and adducts the thumb, and it is innervated by the median and ulnar nerve. The flexor digitorum superficialis is located on the inside of the forearm, and while not a deep muscle, it is beneath the palmaris longus, flexor carpi radialis, pronator teres and the brachioradialis. The flexor digitorum superficialis flexes first the middle and then the proximal phalanges. This muscle is involved only in rapid, forceful flexion of the digits in grasping movements; it is not at all involved with gentle, unresisted flexion. The flexor digitorum superficialis is innervated by the muscular branch of the median nerve. The third part of this exercise will involve further analysis of the simple muscle twitch and the knee jerk reflex using the Flexicomp program. Using a transducer attached to your knee the physiology of the knee jerk reflex (an example of a monosynaptic reflex arc) will be studied. Procedure Introduction: Each experiment (motor points of the hand, Physiogrip, and Flexicomp) will be performed by the same groups of 3 students. One member will be the subject, a second will be the stimulator or apparatus operator, and the third member will be the recorder. Subject Preparation: For each procedure there will be a considerable amount of preparation. Take notes while your instructor discusses each procedure. For determining the motor points of the hand, use the abrasive pad, detergent and paper towels (or Kleenex) to thoroughly clean your hand. The superficial layers of the stratum corneum and excessive skin oils must be removed to obtain proper conductivity. Remove rings which will interfere with identification of motor points. After the skin is completely dried position the subject’s arm in a relaxed manner on the table, with palm up. Electrode gel will be applied to the areas to be tested (hand and forearm) to improve conductivity. The Physiogrip procedure involves attaching a flat electrode (with electrode gel) to the back of the hand while probing for the motor point of the flexor pollicis brevis or flexor digitorum superficialis muscles. The Flexicomp procedure involves attaching a knee jerk transducer to the knee and then properly calibrating it using onscreen directions and the help or your instructor. Stimulators: Your instructor will discuss the stimulators. Take notes. The electrical stimuli to be applied to the skin will be minimal, or threshold, must sufficient to elcit a response. The threshold stimulus is governed by duration and voltage. If the duration is too short, more voltage is required. Before starting each experiment make sure the stimulator voltage is zero. As the voltage is increased in 5-volt increments, a point will be reached when a muscle twitch will occur, or the subject will indicate a sensation of minor pain. If a twitch occurs, you have reached the minimum voltage or threshold for muscle stimulation. Stimulation process: For determining the motor points of the hand, outline your hand in the report section and record the minimum voltage required to elicit a twitch for each spot. Continue to increase the voltage and to probe the hand until 2 or more motor points have been identified or until the stimulation process becomes uncomfortable. For the Physiogrip procedure, locate the motor point for the flexor pollicis brevis or other flexor muscles of the hand muscle. Follow the onscreen directions of the computer to determine muscle twitch information. Your instructor will help you select the proper responses. For the Flexicomp a modified patellar hammer will be used to stimulate the knee. When you tap the patellar ligament a simultaneous signal will be sent to the computer. Your instructor will show you how to print out and evaluate the simple muscle twitch obtained using the Flexicomp equipment. Detailed Setup for the Physiogrip Procedure: . Put a small amount of electrode gel on the flat electrode and strap the electrode to the back of your right or left wrist. The wrist area should be cleaned with alcohol prior to attachment of the electrode. Put a small amount of electrode gel on the front of the wrist. This gel will be spread around with the stimulus electrode as you search for the flexor digitorum superficialis mo tor point. 2. Grasp the pistol grip and apply enough pressure on the trigger to lift the screen plot off the bottom of the screen. 3. Your lab instructor will show you how to analyze and print out your data. Staple your Physiogrip and Flexicomp printouts to the Lab Report #14. Label your data with the following information: a. The stimulus voltage b. The latent period and its duration in seconds c. The contraction period and its duration in seconds d. The relaxation period and its duration in seconds 1. Threshold voltages for motor points in the hand can vary from person to person. What could account for these differences in threshold voltages? The threshold voltages for motor points in the hand can vary from person to person due to the thickness of the skin, dirt on the hand, or oily hands. . Outline your hand in the space below and then for each part of the palm and fingers record the minimum voltage required to elicit a muscle twitch. [pic] A = 230 X 0. 1 = 23 mv (lumbricales) B = 350 X 0. 1 = 35 mv (Flexor Pollicis Brevis) 3. ) When a nerve cell is at rest, there is a relatively greater concentration of sodium ions on the outside of its membrane 4. ) When sodium ions are actively tra nsported outward through a nerve cell membrane, they are exchanged for K+ ions which are transported inward. 5. The difference in electrical charge between the inside and the outside of a resting nerve cell (neuron) is called the resting membrane potential. 6. ) If the resting potential becomes less negative (-70 mV toward 0) in response to stimulation, the process is called depolarizing graded potential. 7. ) Any stimulus weaker than a threshold stimulus is termed a subthreshold stimulus. 8. ) If a series of subthreshold stimuli is quickly applied to the neuron, the cumulative effect may be sufficient to initiate an impulse. This phenomenon is called temporal summation. 9. Following depolarization, potassium ions diffuse outward and cause the cell membrane to become more negative. 10. ) An action potential (or nerve impulse) is a rapid sequence of changes involving the inward movement of Na+ ions followed by the outward movement of K+ ions. 11. ) Following the passage of a nerve im pulse there is a period during which a threshold stimulus will not trigger another impulse. This period is called the refractory period. 12. ) A single nerve cell, just like a single muscle fiber, transmits an action potential according to the all or none principle. 3. ) Nodes of Ranvier (neurofibral nodes) occur between adjacent axon segments of the Schwann cell. 14. The type of nerve conduction in which and impulse jumps from node to node is called saltatory conduction. 15. ) The greater the diameter of a nerve fiber, the faster the impulse travels. 16. ) Explain in detail what physiological events are taking place during the latent period. In your discussion explain the difference between the â€Å"latent period† for the Physiogrip experiment and the â€Å"latent period† for the Flexicomp experiment. In the laboratory, a witch can be produced by direct electrical stimulation of a motor neuron or its muscle fibers. The record of a muscle contraction is called a myogram. Twitches of skeletal muscle fibers last anywhere form 20-200 Msec. This is very long compared to the brief 1-2 msec that a muscle action potential lasts. Note that a brief delay occurs between application of the stimulus and the beginning of contraction. The delay, which lasts about 2 msec, is termed the latent period. During the latent period, the muscle action potential sweeps over the sarcolemma and calcium ions are released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum. If two stimuli are applied, one immediately after the other, the muscle will respond to the first stimulus, but not to the second. When a muscle fiber receives enough stimulation to contract, it temporarily loses its excitability and cannot respond for a time. Physiogrip: It also showed that there was a less latent period because it only interacted with the nerves to the fingers. Flexicomp: The impulse generated below the knee has to travel to the spinal cord and then reaction takes place, making the latent period longer.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Museum Paper essays

Museum Paper essays This object is a portion of a palace wall relief. The function of this relief wall in the palace is to serve as decoration and as a depiction of the king performing some of his duties. According to the museum, the palace relief was made out of limestone rock. The piece was part of a large wall, therefore the wall must have been constructed before the artist came in and carved the relief using chisels of bronze and copper and a hammer. The artist must have used chisels of different sizes and shapes to create the magnificent detail represented in this relief. The wall was left bare, not painted as there was no indication of paint or color. The head of the human figure was about double of a normal persons head, therefore the figure must have been very large. According to the museum, when the figure was part of the original wall it stood approximately 8 Â ½ ft tall. This piece belongs to the Assyrian culture in the Late Period of the Ancient Near East (1000 to 330 b.c.). When I first saw this piece I automatically thought of the lamassu that we looked at in class. The shape of the beard, wings on the persons back, horns on the headdress, and the hyperrealism depicted in each part gave me the indication of where and when this piece was created. Nothing in this piece seems unusual for this culture. The horns on the headdress of this man (Assunasirpal II, King of the Assyrians) resembles that of the Babylon culture. The Stela of Hammurabi of the previous Babylon Empire shows this same horned crown and shows how this past culture influenced the Assyrian art. This was an artistic convention used by artists in this area to depict a man or god of great importance. The museum information indicated this piece was from the Neo-Assyrian Era. According to our book, this period is referred to differently, so I would have to disagree with the museum s description on time period. The time period this piece belongs to is the Late...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Corporate Social Responsibility of McDonalds Assignment

Corporate Social Responsibility of McDonalds - Assignment Example The paper tells that corporate social responsibility includes a variety of tactics such as environmental, philanthropic and ethical. A new field of corporate social responsibility has emerged that encourages companies or organization to take steps and initiatives in the interest of all stakeholders. The public or consumers are also considered stakeholders and hence the organization should create a balance between the interests of both stake shareholders. McDonald's is the leading international fast food retailer which is spread over 36,000 locations and serves approximately 69 million customers in 100 countries daily. Most of the McDonalds branches are run by independent businessman and women. The success of the company’s success is the system which aligns the franchises and supplies. By the implementation of this system, McDonald's was able to satisfy the customers with what they wanted. This system also allows local customization of the product. McDonald's focuses on three p riorities for the optimization of its menu; to modernize the consumer’s experience, to increase accessibility to McDonald's with convenience and to optimize the menu. McDonald's plan to win strategy focuses on people, product, place, price, and promotion in order to increase the customers experience regarding McDonald's. McDonald's is considered to possess the largest framework when the subject of CSR is discussed. Their motto of CSR â€Å"responsible food for a sustainable future† outlines their social responsibilities. A board of directors is responsible for keeping McDonald's up to the standards that are being guaranteed to their stakeholders. The first step taken by this board of directors was to create a code of conduct in order to ensure that every supplier follows this code of conduct. This agreement is then signed by the suppliers. McDonald's also considers the three E’s that is ethical responsibility, environmental responsibility, and economic responsib ility. This serves as the vision for the supply chain management.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Impact of the Emancipation Proclamation on US evolution Assignment

Impact of the Emancipation Proclamation on US evolution - Assignment Example The Emancipation Proclamation did not merely seek to end slavery, but rather to unite the populace. However, through ending slavery, the civil war, which was sparked by the standpoints on whether it should end, was halted. Further, it persuaded some Confederate leaders to seek peace before the deadline in January (McPherson and Hogue, 2010). After the Proclamation, Great Britain was persuaded against the Confederacy and the British dramatically shifted their support to the Union during the Civil War. Further, Northerners were tired with the war, and thus the Proclamation brought considerable relief. From the 1820s to 1860s, the political field was controlled and dominated by Democrats. The southern Democrats controlled favored and protected slavery until 1860 when the Northern and the Southern disagreed on choosing a candidate. Therefore, the two sides nominated their candidates; John for the South and Lincoln for the North. Lincoln won the election and the secession and war gave him a background to liberate the slaves through the Emancipation Proclamation, changing the political scene. The Civil War was a defining time in American history, and the Proclamation brought further

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Quantitative Social Research Methods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Quantitative Social Research Methods - Essay Example n that was posed to the respondents was if the current conditions in their chosen field of specialisation were favourable for their current career path. Twenty five percent of the respondents (5) felt that the conditions were not favourable while 30% (6) felt that the conditions were only moderately favourable. At 45% (9) the majority of the respondents felt that the conditions were favourable. A question on the significance of age in the respondents chosen fields of specialisation was posed. 5% (1) of the respondents responded that age was not significant in their chosen fields of specialisation. 20% (4) were of the opinion that age was only minimally significant while 30 percent (6) felt that age had moderate significance in their chosen fields of specialisation. Forty five percent (9) considered age strongly significant in their chosen fields. The significance of flexible hours in various respondents’ chosen fields of specialisation was the last question posed to the respondents. Five percent of the respondents (1) was of the opinion that they were not significant. Twenty five percent (5) were of the view that the hours were minimally significant while 35% felt that the hours were moderately significant. A similar number responded that the hour were strongly significant. It is important to note the trends in regard to the conditions at work place and the significance of age and flexible hours at the work place do not follow the normal curve but rather increase

Friday, November 15, 2019

Classification of Phylum Porifera

Classification of Phylum Porifera The porifera or sponges are marine animals and they consist of loosely organized cells.While all animals have unspecialized cells that can transform into specialized cells, sponges are unique in having some specialized cells that can transform into other types, often migrating between the main cell layers and the mesohyl in the process. Sponges do not have nervous, digestive or circulatory systems. Instead most rely on maintaining a constant water flow through their bodies to obtain food and oxygen and to remove wastes, and the shapes of their bodies are adapted to maximize the efficiency of the water flow. All are sessile aquatic animals and, although there are freshwater species, the great majority are marine (salt water) species. The outer surface of a sponge is lined with thin flat cells called the pinacocytes. these cells are mildly contractlie and due to this the shapes of some sponges changes.In many sponges pinacocytes are specialised into tubelike contractile porocytes. Openings in the porocytes act as pathways for water through the body wall and in this way they can regulate water circulation. Just below the pinacocyte layer of a sponge is a jelly like layer called the mesophyl. The mesenchyme cells also known as amoebiod cells move about the mesophyl and are specialised for reproduction, secreting skeletal elements, transporting and storing food and forming contractile rings around the openings in the sponge wall. Choanocytes also called the collar cells which are below the mesophyl line the inner chamber (s), these cells are flagelatted cells that have a collar like ring of microvilli, surrounding a flagellum.a net like mesh is formed in the collar when the microfilaments connect the microvilli the flagelum creates water currents through the sponge, and the collar filter microscopic food paqrticals from the water. Sponges are supported by a skeleton that may consist of microscopic needlelike spikes called spicules.amoebiod cells form spicules.these spicules are made of calcium carbonate or silica and may take on a variety of shapes.Alternatively, the skeleton may be made of spongin (a fibrous protien made of collagen). The nature of the skeleton is an important characteristic in the sponge taxonomy. Water Flow and Body Types A spongs life is dependent on the water currents the choanocytes create. The flow of the water brings food and oxygen to a sponge and carries away the metabolic and digestive wastes. The way the food is filtered and how the water circulates causes the phylum to have a certain body type. Three types of bodies have been described by the zoologists. Ascon: these are vase like sponges. Ostia are the outer openings of porocytes and lead directly to a chamber called spongocoel. Choanocytes line the spongocoel and water is drawn into it by the flagellar movement of choanocytes through the ostia. Water exits through a single large opening at the top of the sponge called the Osculum. Sycon: in this body form, the sponge wall appears to be folded. Water enters a Sycon sponge through openings called dermal pores. Dermal pores are the openings of invaginations of the body wall, called incurrent canals. Pores in the body wall connect incurrent canals to radial canals and the radial canals lead to spongocoeal. Radial canals are lined by the choanocytes, and the beating of the choanocyte flagella moves water from the ostia, through incurrent and radial canals, to the spongocoel, and out the Osculum. Leucon: sponges have an extensively branched canal system. Water enters the sponge through ostia and moves through branched incurrent canals. Canals leading away from the chambers are called the excurrent canals. Proliferation of chambers and canals has resulted in the absence of a spongocoeal, and often, multiple exits (oscula) for water leaving the sponge. Maintenance and Vital Functions Sponges consume particles that range in size from 0.1 to 50um. Their food consists of bacteria, microscopic algae, protest, and other suspended organic manner. The pray is slowly drawn into the sponge and consumed. Sponges help in reducing the turbidity of coastal waters. A single Leucon sponge, 1 cm in diameter and 10 cm in height can filter in excess of 20 litres of water everyday. Small suspended food particles are filtered by the choanocytes. Water passes through their collar near the base of the cell and moves into a sponge chamber at the opening end of the collar. Suspended food is trapped on the collar and moved along the microvilli to the base of the collar, where it is incorporated into a food vacuole. With pH changes and lysosomal enzyme activity the food is digested. Partially digested food is passed to amoeboid cells, which distribute it to other cells. Sponges are not limited to feed by the filtration method. Pinococytes lining the incurrent canals may phagocytize larger food particles up to 50um. Nutrients dissolved in the sea water can be actively transported by the sponge. Sponges dont have nerve cells to coordinate body functions. Most reactions occur due to individuals responding to a stimulus e.g. water circulation in some sponges is minimum at sunrise and at a maximum just before sunset because light inhibits the constriction of porocytes and other cells surrounding ostia keeping incurrent canals open. Other reactions however suggest some communication among cells. For example the rate of water circulation through the sponge can drop suddenly without and apparent external cause. This reaction can be due only choanocytes ceasing activities more or less simultaneously, and this implies some form of internal communication. The nature of this communication is unknown. Amoeboid cells transmitting chemicals messages and ion movement over cell surfaces are possible control mechanisms. Due to the presence of an extensive canal system and circulation of large volumes of water through sponges, all sponge cells are in close contact with water and so the nitrogenous waste removal and gaseous exchange occurs by diffusion Some sponges host photosynthesizing micro-organisms as endosymbionts and this coalation often results in the production of more food and oxygen than can be consumed. Freshwater sponges often host green algae as endosymbionts within archaeocytes and other cells, and benefit from nutrients produced by the algae. Many marine species host other photosynthesizing organisms.The spicules made of silica conduct light into the mesohyl, where the photosynthesizing endosymbionts live. Sponges that host photosynthesizing organisms are commonest in waters with relatively poor supplies of food particles, and often have leafy shapes that maximize the amount of sunlight they collect. Few sponges are carnivorous. They can capture small crustaceans using spicule-covered filaments. In most cases little is known about how they actually capture prey. Most known carnivorous sponges have completely lost the water flow system and choanocytes. Sponges do not have the complex immune systems of most other animals. However they reject grafts from other species but accept them from other members of their own species. In a few marine species, grey cells act as the guards for the sponges. When invaded, they produce a chemical that stops movement of other cells in the affected area, thus preventing the intruder from using the sponges internal transport systems. If the intrusion persists, the grey cells accumulate in the area and release toxins that kill all cells in the area. The immune systems stay activated for up to 3 weeks or so. Reproduction Most sponges are monoecious but do not usually self fertilise because individual produce eggs and sperms at different times. Certain choanocytes lose their collar and their flagella undergo meiosis and form flagellated sperms. Other choanocytes and amoeboid cells in some sponges probably undergo meiosis to form eggs. Sperm and eggs are released from sponge oscula. Fertilisation occurs in the ocean water resulting in planktonic larvae development. In some sponges the eggs are retained inside the mesophyl of the parent. Sperm cells exit one sponge through the Osculum and enter another sponge with the incurrent water. Choanocytes trap the sperms and incorporate them into vacuole. The choanocytes lose their collar and flagellum; they become amoeboids, and transport the sperm to the eggs. In some sponges, early development occurs in the mesophyl. Cleavage of a zygote results in the formation of a flagellated larval stage. The breaks free and is carried the water carries it away from the parent sponge. After about two days the larva settles in a suited environment and starts to mature into and adult. Asexual reproduction also occurs in some sponges. This involves the formation of resistant capsules, called gemmules which contain masses of amoeboid cells. At the death of the parent sponge in winter, gemmules are released from them which can survive adverse conditions. When favourable condition are observed in spring time the amoeboid cells stream out of a tiny opening, called the micropyle, and organise into a sponge. Some sponges have the remarkable power of regeneration. Though this is possible if the right cells are present in the sponge. A few species reproduce by budding Ecology Sponges are very competitive for living space .Many sponges shed spicules, forming a dense carpet several meters deep that keeps away organism which would otherwise prey on the sponges. They also produce toxins that prevent other sessile organisms such as bryozoans or sea squirts from growing on or near them. Sponges are important ecological constituents of reef communities, but they do not commonly contribute to the construction of reef frameworks. Habitats Sponges are worldwide in their distribution, from the Polar Regions to the tropics. Most are found to be in quiet and clear waters because sediment stirred up by waves or currents block their pores, making it difficult for them to feed and breathe. The greatest numbers of sponges are usually found on firm surfaces such as rocks, but some sponges are found on soft sediment they attach themselves by means of a root-like base. Sponges are more abundant but less diverse in temperate waters than in tropical waters, possibly because organisms that prey on sponges are more abundant in tropical waters. Uses The calcium carbonate or silica spicules are too rough for most uses, but two genera, Hippospongia and Spongia, have soft, entirely fibrous skeletons. Early Europeans used soft sponges for many purposes including padding for helmets, portable drinking utensils and municipal water filters. Sponges were used as cleaning tools, applicators for paints and ceramic glazes and discreet contraceptives. The luffa sponge, which is commonly sold for use in the kitchen or the shower, is not derived from an animal but from the fibrous skeleton of a gourd. Sponges have medicinal potential due to the presence in sponges themselves or their microbial symbionts of chemicals that may be used to control viruses, bacteria, tumours and fungi.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Make Death Penalty Legal Essay -- essays research papers

â€Å"And thine eye shall not pity, But life shall go for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot,† the Book of Deuteronomy 19:21. When the word â€Å"death penalty† or capital punishment is mentioned, so is morality. Others claim that there is no morality in such punishment. However, what is more moral than the Bible? The Bible encourages condemning sinners. The golden rule practically sums it all up: do unto others as you want done unto you. If you choose to kill, then you had better be ready to accept the consequences. California is a state built on a foundation of justice and equality. It is only fair that when an innocent life or lives are taken, some kind of compensation is given. In most cases, the death penalty is a matter of justice and equality. With most crimes, the purposes of the punishment are to rehabilitate the convict and to send a warning to others who would commit similar crimes. According to the U.S. Department of Justice statistics, 60 to 80 percent of all convicts will continue to commit more and generally worse crimes when released. Violent con...

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Directing Macbeth act 4 scene 1 Essay

The scene I have chosen to direct is Act Four Scene One. I have selected this scene because I feel it has significance to the rest of the play. The events leading up to this are; Macbeth kills king Duncan of Scotland, Macbeth hires three murderers to kill Banquo and his son Fleance, Fleance gets away and Macbeth is haunted by Banquo’s ghost at a banquet. Three witches meet on a desolate heath and predict that Macbeth will become the Thane of Cawdor and then king, much to Macbeth’s amazement these predictions come true. (Thane of Cawdor in Act One Scene Three) â€Å"Why do you dress me in borrowed robes?† This makes one assume that the witches can predict the future. William Shakespeare wrote the play in 1601 when England and Scotland were under ruler ship of king James I of England and VI of Scotland. James I was very interested in witches and witchcraft, during his reign many women were wrongfully burnt at the stake and hung because they were believed to be witches. The people of this time were very superstitious and believed in witchcraft so the effect this play had on the audience would have been more powerful then when it was written, as opposed to now when the belief in witchcraft just isn’t as strong. So therefore the effect would not be the same on a modern day audience. The witches do not play a main character role in Macbeth (they don’t appear on stage much) but when they do appear the have dramatic effects on the other characters and the audience e.g. they don’t develop as characters but they are the key to the development of the plot (lady Macbeth has trouble sleeping) â€Å"Sleep shall neither night nor day.† The first witch says this in Act One Scene Three. Also they play a large part in Macbeth’s decline. They can be seen as responsible for this because their predictions come true â€Å"All hail Macbeth, that shalt be king hereafter,† and they show him the apparitions. The witches represent evil in the play, particularly to the 17th century audience. In the 1600’s very little scenery and props were used in Shakespeare’s plays so the audience had to rely on Shakespeare’s language in order to understand events of the play. Performances were given in daylight so the audience relied entirely on the language of the play to create atmosphere. Thunder. Enter the three witches. Stage directions were often used. For my production the stage will be bare like the original productions in Shakespeare’s time. I would set it up like this because without elaborate backdrops the audience can pay more attention to the actors and Shakespeare’s language. This is important because in those days not everybody got an education only the well off people did so most people wouldn’t understand much of the play. But Shakespeare made sure there was a bit in it that everyone could understand. So therefore his language is the most important part of the play. Shakespeare’s language in this scene is extremely descriptive and very violent. This helps the audience understand how evil this deed actually is. Enter the three witches On entrance the stage will be completely blacked out (no lights). The audience will be able to hear chanting but not see anything on the stage just yet. Then we will focus on centre stage where green lights will flash on and shine down on the cauldron to allow the witches’ faces to be seen. The witches’ costumes will be old ragged black cloaks all torn and scraggy. Their hair will be a tatty, mattered and a scraggly grey mess all flopped in their faces. They will move slowly encircling the cauldron chanting the spell whilst moving. Each of the three witches has a bloodstained bag from which they dramatically pull out each item of the spell to show the audience before dropping it into the cauldron. † Finger of birth-strangled babe.† This should shock the audience because, the visual effect combined with the scary movement and items described in the spell â€Å"In the poison’d entrails throw.† The blackout at the beginning will create anticipation and mystery with which the witches are associated. Enter Hecat leader of the three witches â€Å"Something wicked this way comes.† The three witches and Hecat are referring to Macbeth, so therefore Macbeth should look wicked to represent the evil he has made since his last meeting with the three witches on the heath. Since his last meeting with them he has killed king Duncan, killed his best friend Banquo and has been haunted by him at a banquet. So physically Macbeth will look tired and on edge. Enter Macbeth Macbeth will casually stroll onto the stage saying his lines as he enters. All lights will still be on the three witches around the cauldron until they say â€Å"A deed without a name.† Then the light will be on the full stage. Macbeth is no longer frightened of the three witches because he believes they are helping him to reach his target / goal / aim in life. Macbeth will be wearing his usual garments, nothing special or different, this is because he feels comfortable around the three witches now. This is because, like I have just said, Macbeth feels the three witches are helping him. Enter the three apparitions For my performance I would stage the three apparitions very dramatically using light to form shadows and silhouettes. This would make them more mysterious and ghostly. Macbeth will shout at the apparitions, his aggression will show the audience how desperate he is. The third apparition boosts his confidence even more because he believes that this is impossible and will never happen, but in actual fact it does happen. â€Å"Who can impress the forest, bid the tree unfix his earth-bound roots?† This apparition must be the most dramatic so the audience remember in the final act when this apparition comes true. I believe that the three witches have played a large part in helping with the destruction of Macbeth. However I also think that even if Macbeth had never met the three witches upon that desolate heath he would have still come to the same fate. He still would have been killed but not as many innocent people would have been caught in the line of fire / his path of destruction. Macbeth sees the predictions and apparitions as things he should and can stop as opposed to things he cannot stop. Macbeth believes he is invincible, but as we know he could not be more wrong. â€Å"I bear a charmed life, which must not yield to one of woman born.† As a result of this many people were killed some innocent people and some not so innocent people. Macbeth loses everything including his wife, his best friend Banquo, his mind and eventually his head.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Friendship Poem †poetry

Friendship Poem – poetry Free Online Research Papers Friendship Poem poetry I think i found a friend, who will be there till the end. Who seemd to turn my life around, who picks me up when i am down. I never thought such a friend existed, where your feelings arnt restricted. Where you can say how much you care and that you will always be there. When no matter what happens you always know, your friendship will always grow. How nothing can tear you two apart and every word comes from the heart. I thought a friend like this came only in your dreams but thats not the way it seems. Its hard to believe but believe it or not, this is something ive actually got. Someone who never gave up on you and enourages whatever you do. Where their faith in you is always strong, even if its right or wrong. People spend their lives taking every risk, to find a friendship as strong as this. I cant believe in such a short time, i have already found mine. If you cry i cry thats the way it goes, how close we are nobody knows. Well still be close when were old and grey, still talk to eachother everyday. I cant imagine life with out you for a while coz id miss everything about you even your smile. I feel so alone when you are not here, coz to me your someone very dear. This is something no one could replace, not even that smile upon my face. You mean so much i just cant explain, how youve taken away so much pain. You made my world the best it could be, just by saying you love me. I know you feel the same as i do you, only because our friendship is something very true. Research Papers on Friendship Poem - poetryThe Fifth HorsemanMind TravelHip-Hop is ArtCapital PunishmentAppeasement Policy Towards the Outbreak of World War 2Personal Experience with Teen PregnancyHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows EssayThe Spring and Autumn19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraThe Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug Use

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Is a Two-Page Resume Ever Acceptable

Is a Two-Page Resume Ever Acceptable There is a lot of confusing information out there these days about how long a resume should be. While a resume that goes on for pages is unlikely to be read by a hiring manager, not putting in enough information can have the same effect. Now that many resumes are no longer submitted on paper but in digital format, the old rules for resumes make little sense. Keep in mind that hiring managers are interested in finding the right candidate for the job, and the resume quickly tells them whether or not the applicant is eligible for consideration. What About One Page Resumes?One argument is that one page resumes are fine for recent graduates or those who don’t have much work experience. While this might be true, the custom is to try and keep a resume short and to the point. This makes sense since a hiring manager or recruiter may have many of them to check over in order to fill a job position.Are Longer Resumes Acceptable?More experienced workers may require more than one page to li st their previous job positions, skills and experience or already have a resume that takes up more than one page. This is particularly true for those with a lot of work experience or advanced degrees. Now, with social media, personal websites and sites such as LinkedIn, a job seeker can add information to those sites so recruiters can find added information. The good thing about personal websites and LinkedIn is that you can include as much as you wish.Do You Include All Your Jobs?You don’t have to include every job you’ve ever held. Instead, keep it to the last ten years of employment. The important thing is to aim your resume toward the job for which you are applying. A recruiter’s job is to find the best candidates for the position, so if you are qualified for the job and point it out in your resume, you can go to the top of the list of candidates.Do Bullet Points Help?Using bullet points add to your resume by making it quick to scan for the recruiter to pick up important information. It also makes it less likely that an important job qualification will not be missed. Use caution, however, to not overdo using bullet points. Use your qualifications that respond to the job ad.What About Job History?Including your entire job history isn’t necessary for a resume, and neither is listing everything you did in each job. What the recruiter is interested in are the things you did that benefitted the company such as increasing productivity, saving the company money or other benefits. Use this type of approach to show how you would be an asset. This lets the recruiter know quickly whether you are a match for the job position.Should I Chop My Resume or Add to It?By now, you’ve chopped out all unnecessary information but you find your resume is still over one page long, and you are faced with the decision of making the print small to make it fit on one page or of using a second page that is mostly a large blank space. What do you do? T hinking about if you were the person reading it, would you be happy trying to read tiny print or would you prefer a second page, even if it only has a few lines of text? Rather than give the recruiter eye strain, it is better to include the second page. If you really feel that space shouldn’t go to waste, use it to show volunteer work, awards and organizations so the recruiter can see into your personality.Having a good resume is a start to getting that great job. TheJobNetwork takes all the stress out of job hunting by doing the search for you. After you sign up for job match alert and enter your qualifications and job requirements, TheJobNetwork toils around the clock searching for the jobs that match and sends you alerts to notify you when job listings are found.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

HRM and Sustainability Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

HRM and Sustainability - Essay Example The research report explores the main aspects of HRM to drive future sustainability among organizations. The relationship between HRM and sustainability is extremely complex. Traditionally, HR contributes to organizations’ performance, by having HR policies aligned with the strategic goals of the organization, legal compliance, better customer satisfaction, and effective service delivery. Sustainability requires that HRM moves beyond the boundaries of traditional HR policies, toward leadership development, talent management, and knowledge management. The term sustainability is widely used in almost all sciences (Ehnert 2009). The notion of sustainability has already become a synonym of profitability and long-term development in organizations (Ehnert 2009). Apart from the fact that different organizations define the concept of sustainability in entirely different ways, the link between HRM and sustainability remains poorly understood. The body of research on Human Resource Mana gement and its relation to sustainability is very scarce (Wehling et al. 2009). As such it is high time to re-evaluate the topic of the HRM-sustainability relationship in more detail. The purpose of this research report is to explore the links between HRM and sustainability and propose recommendations to let organizations achieve sustainability through HRM. The significance of sustainability initiatives in organizations cannot be overstated. Researchers are becoming more interested in the relationship between sustainability and HRM.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Computer Networking Security Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Computer Networking Security - Assignment Example VPN only uses TCP port 1723 while the executive Intranet cannot access the application servers through this port. The connection will, therefore, be blocked as it will be malicious. The assistant administrator cannot log into the application server through ssh since it requires him to use port 22 which is a port below 1024. All ports below the range of 1024 have been restricted for general purpose use. The vulnerabilities created can be solved by giving specific port addresses access to the application servers instead of allowing a certain range. Some Internet traffic to the VPN should be limited instead of allowing all inbound traffic to be accepted. Assistant network administrator can be given access rights to the application server through providing specific access rules for him by specifying his mac address as an exception and opening some general purpose ports for him. Additional IP table rules can include rules that restrict the number of parallel connections from one IP client. The network administrator should also implement an IP table rule that only opens a particular range of IP addresses in regards to IP addresses of the several subnets created. The administrator can also provide a strong way of authenticating users to the company network or the VPN and strong encryption methods of for the