Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Position Paper free essay sample

Purpose The purpose of this statement is to express my position in regards to the ongoing issue in America of childhood obesity and whether or not parents are to blame for this ongoing trend. Statement of Position As a nurse, I take the position that parents are to be blamed for childhood obesity and it is our nation’s responsibility, particularly as healthcare workers, to educate parents and children so that we can decrease and eventually eliminate obesity in America. History/Previous Position Statements The ANA is on board to support First Lady Obama in her stance against childhood obesity. The ANA also believes that if childhood obesity is not forcefully acted upon, American children will lead a life that is much shorter than any American generation to date. The ANA believes that parents as well as healthcare workers are the first to see the effects of obesity in children and these two groups collaboratively should be able to motivate children to be healthy (American Nurses Association, 2010). Students are responsible for doing their own work and avoiding all forms of academic dishonesty. All students are expected to be honest in university environment. Integrity in ethic means honesty or accuracy of ones actions.She was untruthfulness to herself because she used the test as unauthorized material. She did not want to accept the fact that she was cheating on the exam. She struggled to herself at first whether used the essay question as a sort of study guide. But, finally, she failed to keep up with responsibility to be honest and did inaccuracy action. Others may argue that Lucy did not violate policy because she did not look for the test on purpose, Lucy realized that she was starring at Tom Sanders midterm exam for introduction to American Politics.And she prevented from going further when she realized that is actual test; once Lucy realized the nature of the document she was holding in her hand, she immediately put it facedown on the table next to her in order to keep from seeing questions on the multiple- choice section of the exam. Moreover, professor used the same exam of proof. Jackson from last year which many students knew those materials. Therefore, the action, which Lucy did, would not be called cheating. In my point of view, if Lucy was not cheat on the test, why would she have had to e the Honor council to turn herself in?She went there because she felt ashamed about what she did. Also, she asked for leniency in her case so that she could feel relieve. In conclusion, although Lucy was not completely view all the content of the exam and even turned herself in Honor council, she has already violated policy from the beginning. She failed to keep her truthfulness to the same. Lucy is just one of example about violating honesty policy cases. But at lease, she knew that she was wrong and felt ashamed about her inaccuracy act.Cheating is a big issue that universities care about. Its not fair for other students who study hard and for others who study none. The importance of going to school is acquiring knowledge and wisdom. Students should show their responsibility about studying. On the other hand, faculties should pay attention more about their exams on each class by well protected or changing them every semester to prevent old exams information leak out. Somehow, cheating impacts on education quality if the Academic honesty policy is not compliance seriously.

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